
We’re glad you’re here. 😊 No matter your experience – you are welcome on this team. Some of us came with loads of experience, and others none! Together we create engaging, seamless, and distraction-free experiences so those gathering with our church can concentrate on hearing the message of Jesus and worshipping him passionately.

You are invited to bring your gifts and talents to the table. Everyone here is seen as an empowered contributor, so don’t hesitate to ask questions, and to give input on creative and technical conversations.

We’re often working with a lean team, and (especially as a mobile church) troubleshooting and workarounds are needed on the regular. We’ve come to expect it, so don’t be discouraged – we love tackling complex problems together with joy!

Our team culture is best learned through time and experience, but below are some words we hang our hats on.

We Worship First, Work Second

When we’re running around and doing technical production stuff, it can be so easy to lose our focus on why we do this. It’s easy to retreat behind our equipment and get caught up in the task. Or we can even love the work we’re doing, and be pleased with ourselves – and still lose sight of why we do this.

First and foremost, we are here to worship. God has loved us first, not based on anything good we have done – and we are responding with our “thank you”: serving him with our gifts.

You don’t need to impress anyone on this team or at our church. There’s no one here to impress. Your Father in heaven is already proud of you. Not based on anything you’ve done, but simply because he is love, and extends love freely to his kids. Paul explained this in 2 Timothy 1:9…

“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.”

Our Worship Commitments

Everyone on our team commits to some crucial rhythms to keep worship our first focus:

In the end, all of this intentionality to be worshippers first leads to better production. The Spirit is invited into our work to lead and guide us — to inspire our creativity, and show us where to point our cameras to show off what he’s doing in the room.

Remember, without the love of and partnering power of God, nothing we do matters. Now, let’s talk about the work.

Why Our Work Matters