Operation Instructions


A vital line of communication

The comms in general aren’t for chit-chat, but are a vital communication tool. So let’s “keep the L.O.C.O.” (line of communication open)

Communication Style

Communication will be quick and to the point. You are apart of a larger picture, so know that when communication is blunt, it’s not a dig on you or your skill, it’s simply a redirect to best suit the production as a whole.


We are all improving, and will receive critical feedback at times. Let’s make it about the work we’re doing together, not our reputations. Become unoffendable. Your identity is in Christ, not in your performance as a volunteer!

One-Way Comms

The Comms are primarily one-way: for the Director/Producer to speak to Ops/Lights.

During service, Ops only speak back to Director when they must. Examples: troubleshooting signal loss, asking for help when you’re stuck, etc.

All the “talking” you should need to do to respond to the Director’s instructions, and if you’re a Camera Op, setting up great shots in advance of them being needed.
