Entry to Chapel
- [ ] Exterior Doors. Make sure main doors and doors into the chapel have been unlocked. If not, use an allen key (there is one hanging above above the side door on the inside of the white trailer) to lock them open (push handle in, insert allen key in hole and turn until handle stays in)
- [ ] Balcony. Make sure the balcony is unlocked - you can often open it up by going up the far staircase and opening the door from the inside. If not have a staff member use the chapel keys.
- [ ] Choir Room.
- [ ] “Oh Hey” A-Frame sign on walkway facing the parking lot.
- [ ] Lobby directional sign.
Green Room
- [ ] Response Team bin.
- [ ] Service Supply bin.
- [ ] Earplugs
- [ ] Tissue
- [ ] Gum
- [ ] Lanyards
- [ ] Communion supplies
- [ ] Volunteer Snacks & Refreshments.
Prayer Team
- [ ] Prayer Team Basket. Place on the right side of the stage. Includes Prayer Team lanyards, box of tissues, oil, and mint/gum at either extremes of the stage.
Get involved Table - set up outside if weather permits!
- getinvolved.cc sign - located in black ops cart, needs to be weighed down when outside!